Megan_jones94's ShopAverage Rating5.00(based on 19 reviews)Foundation Phase Specialism Teacher ICT, Welsh and International School Co-ordinatiorEdit shopAdd a resource
megan_jones94Superhero character description plan(2)Planning sheet to aid in writing superhero character descriptions
megan_jones94Nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs descriptions(2)Nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs descriptions
megan_jones94Capital letters and full stops revision(2)Capital letters and full stops revision WALT – use basic punctuation WIFL – the use of capital letters and full stops in your work
megan_jones94Use the 5 senses effectively in descriptive writing(1)Use the 5 senses effectively in descriptive writing Powerpoint Improving sentences Write sentences describing the beach scene. Make sure to use all of the senses. EXTENSION – Think about how we could turn this beach into a tourist attraction.
megan_jones94Animal Discovery Topic - What i already know, what i found out grids. Editable.(0)Animal Discovery Topic What i already know and what i found out grids. Activate prior knowledge then use research to find out more. Editable.